Mines Glaciology Laboratory
Observing the Earth’s glaciers & ice sheets from the ground, air, and space
Mines Glaciology Laboratory
Observing the Earth’s glaciers & ice sheets from the ground, air, and space
Thanks for stopping by the new home of the Mines Glaciology Laboratory. Our website is currently (and will likely always be) a work in progress. For the latest happenings, check us out on Twitter, stop by our lab in the Department of Geophysics, or get in touch by e-mail. We are also always looking for motivated, enthusiastic students and early-career researchers to join our research group; drop us a line if you are interested in research opportunities with us.
First laminated lake sediments from subglacial Antarctica
New work published in Geology co-led by Matt and Mines Geology professor Ryan Venturelli describes the first laminated lake sediments extracted from subglacial Antarctica. Read the manuscript here or check out the Mines Newsroom summary here.
New paper in IEEE TGRS
Check out PhD candidate Elena Savidge’s new paper looking at wintertime thermal remote sensing data at the front of Pine Island Glacier ice shelf, published in IEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing!
Antarctica vs. Science
Doing science in Antarctica is hard. Reporter Robin George Andrews talked to Matt about what can go wrong for an article in the New York Times.