New paper in Journal of Glaciology!

The first chapter of Hannah’s dissertation is now live at Journal of Glaciology Check out her paper Multi-decadal evolution of Crary Ice Rise region, West Antarctica, amid modern ice-stream deceleration here.

Matt on “The Thing”

Matt joined the Historians at the Movies” podcast to discuss the movie The Thing from the perspective of an Antarctic scientist. Listen here!

Congratulations Dr. Savidge!

Congratulations to now Dr. Elena Savidge for successfully defending her PhD dissertation, Investigating Antarctic Ice-Ocean Processes Using Satellite and In Situ Observations!

New paper in IEEE TGRS

Check out PhD candidate Elena Savidge’s new paper looking at wintertime thermal remote sensing data at the front of Pine Island Glacier ice shelf, published in IEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing!

Antarctica vs. Science

Doing science in Antarctica is hard. Reporter Robin George Andrews talked to Matt about what can go wrong for an article in the New York Times.